The project Coordinator and the field officer touched base with our clients, namely the teenage mothers and pregnant teenagers.
Fortunately all of them were doing well.
The good news is that they have reaffirmed the pledge to go back to school. We met their care-givers and they to renew the promise to take of the babies to enable the girls go back to schools.
We also went with the girls to meet some of the headmasters/ headmistress of the new schools that we have sought for. The Heads expressed their willingness to support girls to catch up with their colleagues and make them happy in the schools.
She gave birth at age of 13.She became pregnant when she at the first year at Junior High school.
A visit to a Client and her grand mother.
A visit to a Client who had dropped out from school after one term of re-enrolled.
She claimed that her colleagues were teasing at her hence her decision to drop-out.
She became pregnant when she was at a final year at Senior High School.
Unfortunately for her the daughter is a dumb.
A 13- year old mother with her bouncing baby.The grandmother wanted to send the girl back to village.Fortunately with our intervention, the grandmother rescinded her decision and promised to look the grandson to allow the girl to go back to school.
A grand father taking care of grand daughter.
Strangely her grand daughter got re-enrolled after 3 month of delivery. She was at the final year at Junior Secondary school.