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Light for Children Ghana

November 2013 Activity Report

During November, volunteers Linnea Rydberg, Fanny Lindström, and Jessica Hallerth of Sweden, and Yael Yeshurun of Israel, continued their work on the Child Sexual Assault Prevention workshops in December. All together the program reached almost 5000 students this year, which is the largest delivery we have ever achieved with this program. On November 23 the four volunteers moved to Nsuta to work at Mampong Babies’ Home. All have now left Ghana and we are very grateful to them for their hard work.


Jessica also visited some of the Kumasi children that are sponsored by Light for Children, and brought them gifts of school supplies from Sweden.


Volunteers Anne Dalum and Emma Dybro from Denmark arrived in the first week of November. They are staying in Nsuta and have been teaching English at Oxford Basic School in Nsuta. They have been very happy teaching at the school, and feel confident that their work is making a difference.


Construction continued on the Education Center in Atonsu. All of the iron bars are now in place on the doors and windows, so the building can be secured when workers are not there.



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